2019 Highlights Keep checking back as we add new photo highlights for 2019! Electronics Recycling Day–in spite of the cold and snow! Electronics Recycling Day–a full truck Valentine’s Day cookies for Village public servants–Thank you! Ham Loaf Dinner Ham Loaf Dinner Ham Loaf Dinner Ham Loaf Dinner desserts Our youngest Ham Loaf Dinner guest–with Grandpa Good Friday Service Easter Sunday Cherry Fest Parade Vacation Bible School with Community of Christ Patricia taught the kindergarten class at VBS Pastor Carol gave a daily message at VBS Fun at VBS! Waterville Cub Scouts Pack 101 filed the Fellowship Hall with supplies for our Food Pantry Sunbeam Pre-School Trunk or Treat Sunbeam Pre-School Trunk or Treat Owen at the Sunbeam Pre-School Trunk or Treat All Saints Sunday–candles to light in memory of loved ones 2019 Fall Dinner 2019 Fall Dinner Blessing our Operation Christmas Child Boxes