Zion is a group of people who believe that we are redeemed by Jesus on the Cross.
Zion is a group of people redeemed by Jesus on the cross, which he did because he loves us. No one comes to the church, or stays here, because they are a good person; we aren’t particularly good and what good we do is done with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Instead we come because we want to turn from the sinful, troublesome ways that we had lived, to follow Jesus’ life-giving ways, and accept the saving grace he offers us. This, and only this, separates us from the world around us and makes us Christians.
With Jesus’ help, we avoid sin, because Jesus’ Spirit, living in us, gives us power over our sinful natures.
This desire to be redeemed (saved) and follow Jesus leads us away from the sinful life into ways that are good. We are far from perfect, but we rely on the Holy Spirit to help us live into ever more Christ-like ways.
We express our thanks and worship.
Just as a person rescued from drowning thanks the rescuer, we gather on Sunday mornings to thank God, worship Jesus, and listen to a talk about God (the sermon). Some of us take some time before worship to study what God has written to us in the Bible. Doing these things are not a requirement for our salvation, but they helps us remain faithful, and grow in our faith and understanding. We also take encouragement from seeing other believers, whom we consider brothers and sisters in Christ. Learn more about opportunities to worship and learn here.
Jesus’ church has room for all of us! Spread the word!
Most of us like to share a good thing, especially when giving it away it means there’s still just as much for us! This life in Christ is a lot like finding a wonderful dance hall big enough to hold all of your friends and more besides. Why wouldn’t we invite others to the dance? No one is the wrong age, color, gender, nationality, economic status–or any of the other things human beings use to keep some people out. ALL are welcome in Christ’s church and in this congregation.
Worship and study are two ways we respond in faith to God’s love, shown to us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We also respond by helping others, as Jesus did.
A ministry is some activity that helps others without asking for anything in return. Our desire to follow Jesus leads to ministries like our after-school tutoring program, Food Pantry, Christmas Assistance program, (Learn more about our work here.) Serving also includes sharing our gifts in ways like teaching Sunday School, helping to lead worship, and keeping our building in good repair. Some ministries are known to only by the giver and the one given the gift.
What is in our hearts and our focus on Jesus is more important than the part you can see.
We believe Christianity is a “heart religion”; we love Jesus, and his Holy Spirit is a witness to our own hearts that he loves us. The things you can see and hear–worship, preaching, Bible Study, and service–are the visible evidence that we are committed to living according to what Jesus taught and a way of showing God how grateful we are. What we do does not earn us an eternal place in God’s kingdom; it’s the outward sign of our faith.
We invite you to join us: to be part of this community of redeemed people, to join us in walking away from our sinful ways, and to enter into the joy of being with Jesus, now and forever.
If you’d like to learn more, please contact the church or Pastor Carol.